Since 2008, HOPES is sponsoring the life-long education of 300 CLHIV, with support from the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA). Education kit and uniforms were provided to 40 CLHIV, with support from Indian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (INP), Chennai.
Financial Security:
HOPES has been conducting training for Women Living with HIV (WLHIV) on financial literacy, thereby facilitating the formation of self-help groups (SHGs) and promoting self-managed savings and credit mechanisms. We have also facilitated access to Government microfinance scheme wherein 52 WLHIV received a grant of Rs 1,00,000 each.
COVID-19 Relief:
Our team also ensured the home delivery of ART medicines to the community members during the Covid-19 lockdown. HOPES closely worked with the district authorities and generated awareness during the COVID-19 pandemic about the necessary precautions to be taken. We also mobilized the PLHIV community for vaccination by addressing their misconceptions and apprehensions about the vaccine. With support from the district authorities and other NGOs, HOPES ensured regular supply of ration and hygiene kits to the marginalized PLHIV community.